Tuesday 5 October 2010

Task 1 - Analysis and Review - Wikipedia

The main Wikipedia page allows you to choose which language you wish to view it in which indicates that it is a global site. The main page is very busy and contains a lot of information. The font is a small size which isnt that easy to read. The left side navigation is very complicated when trying to find information. There is however a search bar at the top right of the page and a few sub headings. The search bar predicts what you are looking for which is helpful. Once you have found your informations the site become well structured and the information and images is clearly laid out.

Task 1 - Analysis and Review - Amazon

This website has a left side navigation with sub headings and a top search bar so you can clearly see that the site is easy to use and navigate through. Its a very clean site, there are only a few images on the home page which are obviously the best selling products, however they change each day. You are able to login and purchase items from the site which will be delivered to you, the sites ordering process its simple and straight forward.

Task 1 - Analysis and Review - IMDB

The structure of the website is good, the navigation bar is located at the top of the page to make room for more information and some flash content. However I would say that the website seems very busy as there is a lot of information. The flash is good as you can view certain trailers that are advertised. The font is a medium size. The site is useable and the navigate drops down in to sub headings and also enables you to search for your information easily.

Monday 4 October 2010

Task 1 - Analysis and Review - The Telegraph

The design of the website is much like the paper form, using the same font and news headlines that would be on the paper that day. The navigation is easy to use, click on any chosen subject to show the other sub headings which enable you to find what you require more quickly. The images are a consistent size, except the main stories which are slightly bigger. The website is updated frequently as shown at the top of the website.

Task 1 - Analysis and Review - Ticketmaster

The website has a very modern design, easy to use navigation which is spaced out and not too cluttered. The search bar allows you to easily search for your chosen subject. There is no repetition. The use of flash shows the upcoming tours is a good way to easily navigate and also a good advertising opportunity.